Hello All,
Hope you all have had an amazing summer. The crazy amount of rain we have had here in the North Land has made it extra challenging to get out and climb as much as usual. But it has made for super trail conditions (for mountain biking) as well as a wild flower extravaganza. I hope you all are loving living in Flag right now !!!!!
The women's clinics have been running the last Friday of each month though out the summer, and we will continue that same schedule into the Fall.
We have covered falling, cleaning sport anchors, and footwork techniques. The topic for the next clinic is Efficiency of Movement.
Climbing requires many things of us, physically and mentally. Because of this, it is easy to get caught up in all the gear, all the latest crags, all the numbers and grades and forget about why we climb.
Climbing when it gets down to it is moving your body over terrain. You can move in many ways, you may fling yourself from hold to hold, you may be a "static master", you may climb fast or slow, you may climb like a cat or more like a cow.
For me I climb because I love feeling my body move in space on the rock and with the rock. I enjoy breaking down problems and routes and isolating subtleties of movement with in each move, and then bringing them all back together forming a fluid unit of movement (hopefully anyway).
There keys to being able to climb fluidly and "effortlessly". They all start with efficiency of movement, learning how and when to move ----or not move.
It does not matter if you are tearing it up a 5.13 or working on V0's in the gym it all comes back to how you move your body in space on the rock.
Please come join me for this months Women's Clinic and we will explore some of the keys to climbing movement and efficiency.
Women's Clinic
August 27th 6-8 pm
Sam Dauderman
AMGA Certified Single Pitch Instructor
Vertical Relief Climbing Center
Flagstaff Climbing Guides